Posts in 'Change Management' category
Emotional Intelligence and Ten Tips to Start Improving Yours
This week we dig even deeper into what makes us tick by exploring emotional intelligence and our Emotional Quotient (EQ) scores. Emotional intelligence is a topic that, I think, is frequently misunderstood. Many people I have talked to explain it simply as being able to understand our emotions and why things make us feel a certain way. It is actually much more than that! If broken down separately into the two words from which the concept arises it becomes clearer.
Emotional Response
Emotion results from an impulse to act. Throughout biological evolution, we have been primed for action with good reason. For thousands of years emotions were a primal experience. Emotions meant a here and now prospect of survival. Fear resulted from the impending fight with a large animal, while excitement meant we had defeated that animal. For eons our emotions served as a guide to our survival. Emotion led to taking direct action.
Intelligent Response
Intelligence, on the other hand, implies the idea of thoughtfulness. Of taking the time to think things through, understand them, and act upon them based on what we understand. Intelligence can be book smarts, street smarts, and directed at specific knowledge. You can see how the evolutionary notion of emotion and immediate action run somewhat counter to the idea of intelligence. Emotional intelligence is, therefore, understanding our emotions and applying the appropriate actions based on that understanding.
There is an additional component to emotional intelligence that is often overlooked, which is understanding the emotions of others and how our emotions have the ability to impact their emotions. If you have ever walked into a meeting that you expected to be about a common topic and felt some tension before anyone even spoke, you have experienced the influence of other’s emotions. There have been plenty of studies to show that while showing certain facial expressions as we speak, other people’s levels of stress hormones increase . Part of emotional intelligence is understanding the nature of these emotions and how to control the situation appropriately. Some of you have an almost innate talent for understanding how this works. Others of us may have difficulty in understanding our emotions or how we influence the emotions of others. Read More…
Posted in: Change Management, Transformational Leadership
Tagged with: change, Executive Coaching, goates, Goates Consulting Group, Kevin McCowen, launch, Leadership, leadership coaching, management, Personal Transformation, strategic, Transformational Leadership
Change Management: Is It Time To Upset Your Apple Cart?
It’s almost always been true: change is a good thing.
Especially when you initiate it for yourself, your department or your company and have the change tied to a big initiative or strategic objective.
It can be a huge motivator for you, your staff and those who benefit from your product or service to embark on a new voyage. Especially when you can involve the key players around you as part of the change process. Read More…
Posted in: Change Management
Tagged with: apple cart, change, consulting, goates, launch, leadership coaching, management, strategic, upset, website